
Are locations holding you back from shooting photos inside the “tactical” space?

If that is the only thing that is holding you back, I got some news for you……. there is a answer to your problem. Lets talk about one of the most debated topics inside the firearms space.


I can feel the cringe in some of you as you read that term, but hear me out…..

Not only can airsoft be what you make of it as far as a training tool goes. It can also be a absolute blast to play. I think people often look at the cringey videos they see online when debating trying it and its a major turn off for them. That is totally okay, but not all of it is like that. I mean you can easily just go out with your friends and have a blast shooting each other. Airsoft is what you make it out to be.

So lets talk about why airsoft is even a topic here when it comes to locations. Well if you are new to this whole idea and have no prior experience with it, let me fill you in. Airsoft has three different types of gameplay. You have open play, speed soft, and then milsim. Open play is a local paintball match basically where random people show up dressed in anything from sweat pants and a sweatshirt to full blown special forces impression kits. Speed soft, is super high speed running and gunning in a small area like speedball in paintball. Its a very niche type of play. Now milsim is the biggest difference between the two, these events usually take place in large scale with objectives to achieve. Most players are generally wearing full kit and each faction has dedicated colors.

Now that that is out of the way, here is how you can have locations.

Milsim events generally take place at wild locations. I get asked quite a bit about how I end up shooting photos in a abandoned building in public with a “firearm,” well its usually at a airsoft field. Milsim events take place at the top government training centers in the United States, prisons, malls, military bases, factories, mountains, etc, etc, etc. With modern airsoft guns, you can find parts to imitate almost anything on the market you can buy for your rife. You also are very welcome to use a lot of your own stuff that is on your rifle. So not only can you buy a ticket to event to use it as a training exercise, you can also use that event as a opportunity to create content.

Now I can not express this enough, I DO NOT RECCOMEND GOING TO A EVENT WITH THE ONLY INTENTIONS OF CREATING CONTENT. Reason being, there is indeed a active event going on around you. Do not be that ass hole who takes away from others experience just so you can have gram photos. Bring a group of dudes you know who look cool, find a quiet area away from event play and snap some photos. When you’re done you can go work on every drill you ever wanted to try on live people trying to hit you too. Its quite astonishing when you get smoked by something you didn’t see coming. But make sure you are not taking away from what’s going on around you, or you will ruin it for everyone else around you and everyone who tries to do the same thing.

To rent out some of these facilities events take place at, it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars if not more. Some of them you can’t even get access to…..(Thanks Uncle Sam). However, you could pay 100-300 bucks and have a fantastic weekend with your friends, create content, and have access to places you might not be able to book a shoot at for two to three days; while getting in as much CQB and small unit tactics as your little heart desires.

I think hating on airsoft is a piss poor excuse to not have a good time and train inside this community. You need that sport to keep things flowing and growing. If you’re one of those people who complain constantly that you want to shoot tactical photos but have no location to do it, yet continue to have to much pride to have fun shooting your friends with plastic, then I have no answer for you other then finding private property and asking for permission.

I also high advise you read the rules from each promoter you decide to go to a event for. Some don’t allow you to shoot photos because they might actually have a roll of a combat photographer. So be sure you know what you are getting into. You also could sometimes get away with it at a local open play event if its not at a live paintball field. If its strictly airsoft and the whole field goes to lunch, you could sometimes ask for permission to enter the field and shoot photos.

Also, if this is something you are considering, BE RESPECTFUL! No one wants the cool guy there who is a ass hole to everyone because he shoots “real steel.” Be a professional, be respectful, and help this community grow on both sides of the fence.

Now if for some reason you have to much pride and you’re to cool for airsoft…… your other option is BLM land. BLM land is owned by the government and can be used for camping and shooting. There is a metric shit ton of land the government owns that you are able to go shoot on. Most of it is out west, so if you live in the Midwest or east coast, you have to really dive into the rules of any that’s around you. For instance, local to me is some BLM land, but you can’t have a firearm on it without a hunting permit during season. A lot of BLM land has ranges that you can run and gun on. So if you and the boys are looking for a road trip and a guys (or girls) trip, that is also always a option.

Hopefully this gives you some ideas on how to get shooting photography inside of the “tacticool” space.

Last but not least, if you are looking for airsoft events a good place to start is with these promoters

  • MIR Tactical

  • Milsim West

  • American Milsim

  • Third Coast Airsoft

Each one of these go to some of the coolest places in the nation. So look at their schedules.

Stay safe, have fun, and remember that no one owes you shit.

<3 Civi.Jimmy

